Kakashi (Scarecrow)

Apr 2, 2017 07:51
Today I will talk about the Japanese word "kakashi."

"Kakashi" is a doll made of bamboo or straw -- it is put in a field to drive destructive animals like birds off.

It is thought that this word comes from the verbal noun "kagashi," which means to make someone smell at something.

This is because in the past, we drove animals off with a bad smell generated by burning meat or hair.

Nowadays, balloons that mimic huge eyes are used as kakashi, taking advantage of an animal instinct that they fear big eyes.

Incidentally, "kakasi" by Masashi Sada is a nice song that remind us of our parents' loves, so please listen it if you have time.






No. 1 Lizzie's correction
  • Today I will talk about the Japanese word "kakashi."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Kakashi" is a doll made of bamboo or straw -- it is put in a field to drive destructive animals like birds off.
  • "Kakashi" is a doll made of bamboo or straw -- it is put in a field to drive annoying destructive animals like birds away off.
     "destructive" is a word that is used to extreme measures (life and death situation), annoying is more appropriate

    "away" in this sentence means that the bird has flown away with fear, "off" is used in this sentence to say that the bird does not care if the kakshi is there or not, it will go away
  • It is thought that this word comes from the verbal noun "kagashi," which means to make someone smell at something.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • This is because in the past, we drove animals off with a bad smell generated by burning meat or hair.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Nowadays, balloons that mimic huge eyes are used as kakashi, taking advantage of an animal instinct that they fear big eyes.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Incidentally, "kakasi" by Masashi Sada is a nice song that remind us of our parents' loves, so please listen it if you have time.
  • Incidentally, "kakasi" by Masashi Sada is a nice song that remind us of our parents' loves, so please listen it if you have time.
Thank you so much for correcting my post! (^^)
No. 2 IrishAlex's correction
  • Kakashi (Scarecrow)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today I will talk about the Japanese word "kakashi."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Kakashi" is a doll made of bamboo or straw -- it is put in a field to drive destructive animals like birds off.
  • "Kakashi" is a doll made of bamboo or straw -- it is put in a field to scare birds.
  • It is thought that this word comes from the verbal noun "kagashi," which means to make someone smell at something.
  • It is thought that this word comes from the verbal noun "kagashi," which means to make someone smell something.
  • This is because in the past, we drove animals off with a bad smell generated by burning meat or hair.
  • This is because in the past, we drove animals off using a bad smell generated by burning meat or hair.
  • Nowadays, balloons that mimic huge eyes are used as kakashi, taking advantage of an animal instinct that they fear big eyes.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
It's a good thing we stopped burning rubish to scare birds :-D
Thank you so much for the corrections!
> It's a good thing we stopped burning rubish to scare birds :-D
Yes, I also think so :)